The Best Music of 2019, Album of the Year: Woodstock - Back To The Garden: The Definitive 50th Anniversary Archive; Plus My Picks for the Top Ten Starring American Football, Karla Bonoff, The Cranberries, Ronnie Earl, Crystal Gayle, The Japanese House, Willie Nelson, Bruce Springsteen, Svetlana, and Many More

Mark Goff Photography, Leah Demarco/Allison Goff via AP 2019 was another great year for music. I only say that because I listened to more new releases in 2019 than ever before, I liked more of that new music than ever before, and I had to delete more items than ever before in the preparation of this article. In today's world of streaming, the music seeker is presented with a seemingly endless array of new music to choose from and it's easier than ever to bite off more than one can chew. The great fear is that for each fabulous discovery (this year's Ronnie Earl album for example), you might be overlooking several more... and you probably are. There is way too much music released every year for any one person or even one publication to have a handle on it all. What's more, if an album doesn't catch the wave of popularity or sales after release, a good record stands a better than even chance that it may disappear and not be heard from again. So, here is my littl...