Shayna Zaid & The Catch Update - Lighthouse Album Released, Band Hiatus Announced

The good news is that the legal issues have been resolved and the Lighthouse album by Shayna Zaid and the Catch is now available at Amazon
Once upon a time... in New York City, there lived a band; A group of incredibly talented boys and a curious girl with an itch for adventure. Two years later, after taking to the streets and sharing their collaborations, they entered the studio to produce their first album with a man named John Agnello. "Lighthouse" was born in December 2010 but was later taken in by the red tape of a commercial legal battle and was held hostage for an entire year. One year later.. Lighthouse will be free to finally see the light of day. April 18th, 2012. We hope you'll be here with us.
Listen to "Lighthouse"
Lighthouse is a beautiful piece of work and this is terrific news. Click here for the full review with additional tracks.

Today, in a letter to fans, Shayna and the band expressed their appreciation for the support they have enjoyed and announced a band hiatus of unknown duration. Here is the text of their announcement:
After several months of being held under red tape, we are happy (and truly relieved) to announce that the album is finally available online. Please refer below for a complete set of other online distributors and their store links to the album. And for other special requests, feel free to email us directly!
We would like to take this special opportunity to thank everyone for all the support we have received throughout the years; Your contributions have made our journey more than possible.
This album is a story about our quests through life and the strengths we've found in the beauty of our experiences and each other; We hope that this journey inwards will continue to expand the venture outwards into the world, and maybe someday, for each and every one of us here (yes, you!), it will all make perfect sense.
That said, we are humbled to inform you that the band will be on hiatus for an undecided period of time to explore new experiences, gather inspirations and embrace the blessings that have entered our lives.
The boys and I would like to wish each and every one of you a warm and wonderful adventure ahead. We hope the sun will always shine on your face and the wind will always propel you forward with great wisdom, health and happiness. Thank you for all the good times.
Take care dear friends.. And keep in touch! Who knows what the future holds..
Shayna, Christopher, Yan, Andrew & Fred
Shayna, Christopher, Yan, Andrew & Fred
Photos courtesy Shayna Zaid
Shayna's website
Shayna's Facebook