The Five Greatest Kills In Game of Thrones... And The Five Worse; Those Whose Demise Really Hurt, And Those Who Had It Coming

Photos: HBO I can't quite believe I'm writing this. A quaker and a pacifist writing about "the greatest killings." I just remember to tell myself that this show is pure fantasy, based on a work of fiction and nobody really dies [spoiler alert!]. So, off we go. The "greatest" killings in Game of Thrones happen to characters who really deserve it, in the sense that they themselves are responsible for senseless killings and worse, much worse. The "worst" killings in Game of Thrones are those that happen to beloved characters who usually are good people. These are the ones that really hurt. When a favorite character bites it, you can't help feeling crushed. These lists are completely arbitrary. If you disagree, or even if you do agree, have your say in the comment section below. Spoiler Alert: The following includes events through Season 7. The Greatest Killings 1. Ramsay Bolton, Warden of the North Among his many transgressions w...