Ann Courtney & the Late Bloomers - Rockwood Music Hall, 3/07/08

Several weeks back, when Jennifer Nicely played Rockwood, our friendly bartender happened to mention that she also has a band and would be playing a set on Valentine's Day. The scheduling didn't work out for V-day, but last night it became clear that Ann Courtney, whose friendly presence behind the bar is one of the nicer things about Rockwood, turns out to also be one of the best artists to play at Rockwood.

Listen to "Deadweight" from The Pollyanna EP.
The totally packed room rocked with some great songs, well played and sung by Ann and her excellent band, the Late Bloomers. Ann's voice falls somewhere between Eleni Mandell and Chrissie Hynde, and it is a total pleasure to hear her sing. Ann also plays electric rhythm guitar and is ably accompanied by Ben Byleen on bass, Michael Lupo on drums, Lizzie Carena on piano & vocals, and David Giambusso who plays some great electric lead guitar. The band has two primary speeds, rockin' and slow burn, and both totally work.

Listen to "Glass Eye" from The Pollyanna EP.
In addition to all that, Ann's show has some nice touches like a light-up arrow through the heart logo on the stage, and a three song giveaway CD that was passed around in a cute little box. Ann mentioned that they will soon record their first full length CD. It's already impossible to think of Ann as the Rockwood bartender who also has a band - now it's more like Ann is the awesome singer who also bartends at Rockwood.

The Pollyanna EP is available free at shows, and all three songs are free downloads on their myspace page. If you can't make it to a show and want the physical CD, it is available at CD Baby. It'll have to tide you over until they record their CD. If you're in the New York area, go hear Ann play, she'll shoot you through the heart just like those stage lights.

Ann Courtney & the Late Bloomers myspace.
Ann Courtney & the Late Bloomers website.
Rockwood Music Hall website.