SXSW - Day Four, Saturday, 3/15/08

South by Southwest 2008 is now history. It's 2:50 am local time here in Austin. Today was a beautiful end to the festival on all counts. Taking it a bit slower today I began by checking out the trade show, Hut's Hamburgers, and Waterloo Records. Then on to the music, saw two artists that I've known through myspace but had never seen before (Hafdis Huld and Brooke Waggoner), a new singer from Britain whose CD just debuted at number one there but is not yet released here (Duffy), saw several previously unknown artists, and the night and the festival ended with a superb set by Brooke at the Hilton Garden Inn 18th floor. Here's today's complete list:
SXSW - Day Four, Saturday
Hut's Hamburgers
Hafdis Huld (Reykjavik, Iceland) 5:30-6:30pm
Duffy (Wales, UK) 8-9pm
Jenn Grant (Halifax, NS) 9-10pm
Look, See, Proof (London, UK) 11pm-Midnight
The Soundtrack of Our Lives (Gothenburg, Sweden) Midnight-1am
Brooke Waggoner (Nashville, TN) 1-2am
In a few hours we'll be out of here. When time allows back home, pictures and descriptions for all the shows will post. In the meantime, before I close it down here, I want to relate one of the many amusing moments of the festival which took place last night. After Abra Moore finished her set at the Hilton Garden Inn 18th floor, we stayed for a little of the next set by Shawn Mullins at 1am. Heading out, we wound up in the elevator with Abra Moore and a couple people who were with her. A few floors down, a security guard got onto the elevator, escorting someone who was either incredibly drunk, retarded, or both. He kept repeating some sort of baby talk sounding phrase, over and over, repeatedly, insistently, and wouldn't stop. Everyone on the elevator was sort of freaked out, and Dave looked over and saw that Abra had a look of sheer terror. She and her crew made an excuse and got off the next time the door opened. We did the same at the following floor. A few minutes later, after finding our way down to the lobby, we noticed that the drunk guy was trying to check in to the hotel and the management was explaining to him that he was in the wrong hotel.
Here are a few more random shots from day four:
The Austin Convention Center.
The Capital reflected in the Thomas Jefferson Rusk State Office Building.
The Capital of Texas.
The Paramount Theater, on Congress.
Sixth Street again, at dusk on day four.
One last shot of Sixth Street.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
please, send photos and I will reciprocate somehow.