M&M Minimix #2 - I Love You More Than You'll Ever Know

Picking the all time best love songs is way more involved than it first seemed, mostly because there are so many great songs to choose from (might be a good topic for an XPN 885 survey/countdown). One song that would definitely make my short list of the all time best love songs is "I Love You More Than You'll Ever Know", written by Al Kooper and released on the very first Blood Sweat & Tears album in 1968. In the past year or so, I've run across three excellent cover versions which I am pleased to stream for your listening pleasure as the Music & More Minimix #2. Enjoy. M&M Minimix #2 - "I Love You More Than You'll Ever Know" First up in the mix is Marc Broussard's very soulful take from his 2007 release SOS: Save Our Soul, a loving tribute to the great soul songs of the sixties and seventies. As if we needed one more commentary on the sad state of the record business, this record is already out of print; however download and used cds are...