Rumer, World Cafe Live, Philadelphia, 4/07/2015; Watch Some Great Live Rumer Videos. New CDs Now Available: Into Colour, B-Sides and Rareties

Rumer brought her excellent band, led by music director and keyboardist Rob Shirakbari to World Cafe Live in Philadelphia on Tuesday night April 7, 2015. Rumer played the downstairs venue, which is essentially a state of the art audio and video studio with an audience. The sound quality was superb, the mix and the arrangements were so open and airy that you could clearly hear every drum tap, guitar note, bass note, and keyboard note, with plenty of room for Rumer's gorgeous voice. Her tone and singing are quite incredible; live, she was even more impressive than on record. Most of the show came from her new album, Into Colour (now available in the U.S.). She also did six songs from her debut album, Seasons of My Soul. There was one, "PF Sloan" from her second album, Boys Don't Cry. She talked about her newest CD compilation of B-Sides and Rarities, only available at her webstore and at shows. Someone requested a track she preformed on the web/TV show Live From...