Dixie Chicks on Howard Stern, 5/25/06

It was a big week for the Dixie Chicks, with Tuesday's release of their new album Taking the Long Way,

Natalie Maines
Think what you will about Howard, but once you get past the naked girls, strippers and porn stars, once you get past the bathroom humor and foul language, deep down there is a very funny performer who is very good at what he does, and even deeper down there is a very sensitive guy who usually comes in on the caring, humanistic, and even the moral side of most social and political issues. His musician and celebrity interviews have been a mixed bag but I've got to say that this morning's appearance by the Dixie Chicks was perhaps the best musician segment I've ever heard in nearly twenty years of listening to the Stern show.

Emily Robison
Howard did a great interview, covering all the necessary topics and a great deal more. He was reverent and irreverent at the same time, allowing the Dixie Chicks to fully express themselves and open up about a good many topics in a freewheeling and always fun and humorous session. The appearance was capped by a live performance of "Landslide", the Stevie Nicks/Fleetwood Mac classic that was a staple of the Dixie Chicks' live album. This performance with full band sounded better than I've ever heard on a radio interview segement and suggests that the technical capabilities of Sirius Satellite Radio may be as valuable to the listener as the free speech it affords its performers.

Martie Maguire
No, the Dixie Chicks didn't get away without being asked about their sex lives, but the conversation was mostly respectful, funny, and open in a way that you are not used to hearing musicians talk on the radio. All told, both the Dixie Chicks and Howard put on some great radio this morning, a grand slam home run for all concerned.

Taking the Long Way
The Dixie Chicks new album was released on Tuesday and on first listen it sounds like a winner too. Unless you read the credit that it was produced by Rick Rubin, you wouldn't necessarily be able to tell from the sound. It'll take a while to know if the songwriting has the quality and the staying power that made the Dixie Chicks' first album Wide Open Spaces
6/02/06 Update - Despite continuing resistance from country radio, Taking the Long Way debuted at #1 on both the Billboard pop and country charts.
