Pacifika - Asunción (Six Degrees Records, 2008)

Checking out some new music recently with Dave from Direct Current , this track by Pacifika caught my ear. Listen to "Sweet (Radio Mix)" Suggesting a mix disc concept of songs that are described by their title, "Sweet" comes from Pacifika's album Asunción, recently released by Six Degrees Records. This Peruvian/Canadian threesome is distinguished by a most interesting mix of musical influences and the very appealing vocals of Silvana Kane; described on their website thusly: Pacifika is the multi-talented Silvana Kane, a Peruvian born singer, re-formed pop sensation (West End Girls), and accomplished actress with a love of flamenco, electronica, and textured percussion; Adam Popowitz a Canadian bred guitarist adept at new wave, classical, and pop, and a skilled producer responsible for a catalogue that includes indie rock and Armenian folk music; and Toby Peter, a dub wise bassist born in Canada and raised in Barbados, explorer of jazz, hip-hop, Latin, metal and ...